Articles and Presentations



Business & Strategy

Startups in Egypt : On the Middle Eastern ecosystem for startups. December 2016.


Cards Now Managazine, Cover Story - Interview with Ayman S. Ashour. March, 2011

NFC and the War on Cash :NFC needs a killer app and financial observers are keen to quantify markets, investments, winners and losers. ZDNet April 2012.


Near Field Communication aims to simplify our lives :NFC technology will provide a highly secure personal credential to be built into our mobile phones.August 2011.


NFC and Privacy :  Mobile Phones and the Future of Privacy, NFC-enabled phones will offer consumers the opportunity to enhance their privacy by empowering them with their own secure ID devices. September 2011.


 Challenging Conventional Wisdom - Global Identification Magazine. The increasingly mainstream use of RFID for healthcare, pharmaceuticals, defense and other mission critical applications seems to have given the lie to the many expert predictions that the technology would be limited solely to niche areas. March 2007.


The Role of RFID in Convergence The convergence of IT & Physical security will be accelerated with RFID.

ID World Presentation - Advanced Auto Id Implementation : Identity for Public & Private Access Control


The Future of ID Credemtials Guru Post: The future of ID credentials and the role of privacy in the NFC world

Airport Security : Understanding security threats in airports and how to boost security. Novemeber 2015.


Flight Path to Airtight Security As highlighted by the terrorist attacks of recent years, the upgrading of access control systems in major transportation hubs has become a priority for the industry. A look at the major challenges of scaling up these systems in airports. Global Identification Journal July 2007


Transportation Security Forum Presentation Transportation Employee Access Management : Seamless workflow for staff, suppliers & subcontractors: towards the complete automation at the transportation hub back-end.- Paris, 1 March, 2007 


Global Security Forum Presentation - Major Security Trends 2006 - 2010 Technologies The Industry response to market demands: What technologies are available today to support efficient and reliable access control and IT security?

 Vienna, July 2006

Global Security Forum Presentation - Major Security Trends 2006 - 2010 focus on ID & Cards . Milan, Novemeber, 2006


Transportantion Employee Access Management : Seamless workflow for staff, suppliers & subcontractors: towards the complete automation at the transportation hub back-end. Paris, March, 2007